Friday, July 15, 2016

Chapter 7: Thar be Fish in Them there Waters

~Wednesday the 13th started with a late breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash and cinnamon rolls. It's hard to get an early start when the midnight sun tempts us to stay up so late. We drove to Wasila to pick up a new tire for the Ole Hezzie. While Dan and Nathan took care of the tire, Matthew, Dwylin, Jonathan and Jared did some laundry.

~With these details taken care of we finished our drive to Anchorage and from there continued south to Soldatna to meet up with Nelson, a friend of Dan and Jonathans. We ate an early supper at Frosas where we got our seafood fix. Jared enjoying some halibut and the rest of the guys cracking into some king crab.

After a brief visit at Nelson's place, we drove the scenic route down to Homer, traveling next to the Cook Inlet as more snow caps dotted the skyline across the bay. 

~We made it to Homer just after nine PM and drove down to the Homer Spit. The Spit is home to hundreds of travelers eager to take one of the many docked charter boats out the next day in hopes of a big catch of halibut or salmon. 

~On our drive down we were trying to book our own charter but couldn't find anything for all six of us so we started north again to dock our Ole Hezzie for the night.

Thursday was another late start on our drive back up to Anchorage. Jon and Matt woke up early for some fishing, but to no avail. Being cooped up driving was making some of us a little restless and ready for some action so we began to search for a good mountain to climb. After our second try, we found a good spot and began the climb. We spent a couple hours expending our excess energy making a roughly 2000 foot elevation climb. 

The climb made for some great views of the highway below as well as the Cook Inlet and mountains beyond. The workout left us sweaty and dusty so Matthew, Jonathan, Nathan, and Jared crossed the road to the inlet and took a dip in the cool, salty water.

Tired, and yet refreshed, we continued to Anchorage. The first stop was the mall for some souvenirs and a little food, then on to the Walmart parking lot. We picked up some more supplies and camped for the night as Jonathan is flying out at five AM the next morning, sadly his vacation is over.




  1. Hopefully you will take the time to drive to Valdez. Was one of our favorite places in Alaska.

  2. I'm having a blast follow in along on this trip of a lifetime. Y'all are great bloggers, enough pictures and enough writing. I feel sorry for Jonathan, but such is life.Thanks from Mississippi.
