Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chapter 10: There and Back Again

~The views continued as we drove through the night, Matt and Nate were however persistent in their claims of seeing eyes in the black. Concern was in the air as birds and a rogue owl flew in front of Ole Hezzie, probably trying to get a quick meal, but this didn't seem to faze the driver. Our drive through the desert continued without fear of anything.
~Around 2 AM Friday morning we stopped in the town of Elko, NV to fill up and reload on our supply of chocolate milk. This brief oasis only lasted about a half-hour, and our band of brothers moved forward. Eventually, all except our driver, Daniel, wasted no time falling asleep with the darkness of the desert around us all.
~Morning came quickly for some as dawn broke the silence of the world, into a song of salt and water. Dan was the only one to see the salt flats of Utah in all its glory. He was joined soon by Jared and Dwylin just in time to see the “Great Salt Lake”. Matt joined in the early morning event to see Salt Lake City, but only to return to bed once the city was gone.

~The Day of driving was overall uneventful for the group. Temperatures started to rise, gas prices began to lower while at the same time the wind gusts began to make themselves known once we entered the state of Wyoming. Stopping for gas, most of the guys headed inside the Flying J / Denny's to get a little something to hit the spot. Matt and Nate entered the RV with slices of pizza, while Jared came back with a salad (what a stud). Dwylin, however, returned with a container of biscuits and gravy (which apparently Western Canada and Alaska don't realize is a breakfast delicacy).
~Making good time, well as far as a 24 year-old RV is concerned, we continued our never-ending journey eastbound and down to Indiana. Receiving body blow after body blow from the wind as we entered our drive through Nebraska. We all of a sudden drove right in the winds best shot to this point. A nasty left hook to the side of the RV, and like an uncontrollable dizzy spell, we headed into the lane beside us. God's provision was there first because nobody was anywhere close to RV when this insult from the wind came at us. While there was nothing to the left of us, something had appeared to our right. We lost our camper's mouth guard, the camper's awning was surfing the highway, and forced us to pull off and stop.

~After a good twenty minutes, we finally got everything disconnected. Since there was such a lack of room in the RV for the awning, we felt we had little to no choice but to leave it behind.  On the bright side, Nebraska has some new scenery to behold just before you enter the Village of Potter.
~We raced on hoping to get to Omaha, Nebraska before all of the restaurants closed, and to see Dan's brother Chris and his family on their way home to Montana from Tennessee. Upon our arrival, around 11 pm, we had enough time to say hello, but not enough time for supper. So we said our hellos and goodbyes, and off to find a place to eat. Apparently, it is difficult to find a restaurant at 11:30 at night, but we finally found a place, The Fox and the Hound Bar and Grill. We left stuffed to the gills and ready for another night of driving.
~Now, about 1 am (CST) with only 580 miles left on this journey, we set out thinking of beds and home and now forced upon us... humidity. From this point on we left all the windows open to keep it at least a bit mild in the belly of Hezzie.
~Almost at 12 noon (EST) on this very day, July 23, 2016, we made into the driveway of where it all began. We pulled in ready to be home and all in desperate need of showers. Ten thousand miles will hurt a man!

~Our story is done in this chapter of our lives. Our own version of 'The Odyssey' has indeed ended. If anyone is in need of ideas of what part of America to go see? We all could recommend Alaska, but just leave 'Ole Hezzie' out of it. She came back from this trip with some of her fire and spirit in dire need of repair, however, we do have it narrowed down to where she left the skip in her step... Somewhere in the Yukon.

A Message from the Minority
(Warning!! The Messages your about to read may have grammatical errors riddeled throughout, proceed with the most greatest of cautions!)

~From Jon
My favorite part of the trip... I have many favorite parts like hanging out with five friends and getting to know each one a little bit better and there personal walk with God, it was an encouraging and fun trip. If I had to narrow it down to just one, while Alaska was beautiful and “Mount McKinley” was absolutely amazing. I would have to say the Banff National Park was probably my highlight. The majestic mountains and the rushing waters are so awesome! I just have to wonder how anyone can see this beautiful creation and say, there is no God.

~From Dwylin,
Trying to summarize the experience of this trip in a paragraph or two is well, totally impossible. If you asked me what my favorite place to drive was? I would probably have to say the drive to Homer's Spit from Anchorage, AK. Driving alongside the bay with such immense mountains on both sides. Once we came up to a viewpoint of the Spit, my mind raced back to a time as a kid reading The Hobbit. From a distance away I couldn't help but see Laketown in my head, the only difference was that instead of one 'Lonely Mountain”, The Town was surrounded by Gigantic Mountains.
The blessing God showed us weather-wise could so easily be described by one word... “DENALI”. Just going up to this mountain that only 30% of park visitors see a glimpse of, and even fewer see the whole thing. God blessed us with a view of the whole mountain, but this was just one experience. The whole trip was blessed with great weather and sights to behold. Little to no weather issues to speak of.
If I had to sum up what God was allowing me to see. God was showing off... God was saying look at Indiana, its wonderful in its own way, but come here and check this out.

~From Matthew,
So I guess I'll just give my three favorite things about this trip. The beauty of God's creation just blew me away!! I remember when we left Montana and just got into Canada and we were all glued to the windows making sure we didn't miss anything with all the mountains and rivers and lakes. We couldn't believe how beautiful everything was. But then the next day we went through Banff and Jasper National Parks and it made everything we had seen so far seem so small. By the time we got done with Alaska, we were passing by beautiful mountains and no one bothered to get their cameras out because it just wasn't as good as what we had already seen.
I also enjoyed the people on the trip. From random people we would meet, friends I've had for years, and Nate who we all got to know pretty well by the time we were done. Nate probably thinks he got to know us a little too well. I especially liked all the swimming we did. We hit most of the lakes we camped at, the one waterfall, and the pacific ocean twice.
But I think my favorite moment was the one night Nate and I decided to go on a hike at 11 o'clock at night. We climbed up Flattop Mountain and hung out there the whole night. We were just outside of Denali Park and the mountain looked just like it sounds. After you get done with your climb the top of the mountain is flat and long. Apparently, it's a great place to find caribou sheds. Nate was responsible for finding all three that we found. The last one of which was huge! I don't know if I've ever seen someone so excited. The best part about that night was the sunset/sunrise which literally lasted the whole night. We had a beautiful view of mountains everywhere. We got back to camp at about 5 in the morning. I think my sleeping pattern is still off track because of that but it was well worth it.
And last I have to give some love to Ole Hezzie. We put her through a lot of miles on this trip. And most of this wasn't our nice roads in the lower 48. A lot of that mileage was on the Alaskan highway and the other route we took through Canada to get home. Those roads were definitely not the best. But somehow we found our way through all of that with a 1991 Pace Arrow motor home that's being held together with zip ties and duct tape. For anyone who doesn't believe there is a God. Take a look at the vehicle we took over 10,000 miles of rough road, and believe!

You just can't do much better

Within a month we hope to have our videos done. We took video each day with a camera to attempt to better summarize each chapter of this story.  We thank you for following our trip and hope you watch the videos when they are ready.

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